It Puts the Lotion on the Skin


Finding inspiration in all the strangest places.  Not knowing where to turn, I find strength from deep within myself.  Remembering how much I love creating, I continue to push forward.

My dreams await.
The Journey Continues…


“Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up ’cause they’re looking for ideas. ” – Paula Poundstone

Neptune and Mars


As time passes, and I get closer and closer to launch date, I’ve begun to worry about just how much of my goals I’ll have completed by the time everything goes live.  The goal of having a Website/Blog/Store/Portfolio and having a decent selection of T-shirts to sell by New Years seems further and further from reach.  Everytime I sit down to review my progress, I tell myself I’ll work harder, cut more hours from other activities, etc…

I’m so tired of everything I want being second to everything else.
I’m ready to blast outta here and hit Xscape Velocity.



“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” – William Shakespeare

Neptune and Mars


Over the next month or so I’ll be transferring my wordpress dot com to a wordpress dot org.  So, don’t panic if I break it in the process… making omelets and all that jazz.  :)


P.S. ~ Just seen this while looking for a quote on twitter.  has 4 free Photoshop BallPoint Pen brushes for free.  Limited time offer, only a couple hours left.

“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” – Marilyn Monroe

Engineering Department

Going through withdraws from having not drawn anything in a while…  I have been sketching, some rough ideas/concepts, more brainstorming than anything else.  But most of my time has been spent in RnD phase.

My brain needed a release.
October will be a good month

I just got this feeling


“The Shadows of Clouds, Passing Over Mountains.”

Creating Again :)

I’ve been wanting to get back into photo manipulation for awhile now.  Having leveled up my painting skills, I’m interested in seeing how the two will combine.

I guess we’ll see.


“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” – Bob Ross

What Do You Wear To Battle?

Don’t forget your armor.
Important protection,
of unknown origin.
Battle Stance!

I had to do some quick sketches before I got to work today.  There was a deep need to create and I needed to satisfy it, else I go mad from deprivation.  I start my second week of work tomorrow, doing Tech Support for Xerox.  I’m enjoying the challenge of learning new things, and developing new skills sets.

The Journey


“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” – Aristotle

When Things Made Less More Sense


Here’s a throw back if I’ve ever seen one.  Created somewhere between 2007-08, this gem was going to be my first comic strip in my webcomic Another Alternative.  The strip was to be a slice of life style comic with it’s main character based loosely off of me.

Man I got such a kick off of this.  I happened across it, while I was going through an old (really old) external hard-drive, it didn’t have what I was looking for, but I did find years of art experimentation, most of which was my first couple years playing in Photoshop back in 2007-2009.

2006-2007 Logo idea for my Brothers and I

Just celebrated my 32nd orbit last week and I’m fortunate to have just started a new job today.  To top it off, I just helped sent an earlier commission to get printed on T-Shirts and I’m about to start on another big commission to get it ready for print soon.  I’m super excited and it feels great to have all these pieces falling into place.  I’ll start sharing some stuff whenever I get the greenlight to.

I’m going to have to be really careful managing my time and ensuring everything stays in balance with each other, but I’m eager to learn more about the whole process of producing T-shirt designs.

Just some out loud forward thinking, but I want to have a collection of T-shirts available by 2017.

The Journey is Becoming very Interesting

“The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.” – Wallace Wattles